Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Grand Dame- Henny Penny

Henny Penny rules our roost. When you keep chickens suddenly all those cliches about "being broody", and "pecking order" start to make sense. We bought Henny Penny as a chick last winter so she is almost 18 months old. She lays a beautiful brown egg every day most of the year and alternate days during the winter.

We named out blog after Henny Penny because she is our trick chicken. She comes walking up the stairs onto our deck (a full flight) and pecks at our back door to ask for treats. She'll do just about anything for a tasty raisin or dried blueberry. (We get our organic raisins from the Benzler Farm in Fresno.) Since she has had such tremendous success, the other girls have followed her example and some afternoons I'll look over when I hear a light knock to find four chickens waiting impatiently for us to open the door. Henny Penny keeps the rest of the flock, and us, in line.

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